The Halls Web Series

The Halls is a web series that features the stories of three young men living in Boston who are struggling with issues related to relationships, trauma, violence, and identity.

This series is designed to prevent gender-based violence, promote healthy relationships among adolescents, and encourage young people to challenge the messages they hear about how to act in relationships.

The facilitator discussion guide (PDF, 34 pages) helps workshop facilitators foster conversations with viewers about the themes in the web series. The guide is organized by episode and provides tips to anticipate challenges to the films’ messages. The guide covers gender norms, homophobia, healthy conflict resolution, consent, deconstructing victim blaming, and more.

The Halls web series is presented by the Boston Public Health Commission, Division of Violence Prevention, as part of the Strong Start: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Initiative. The series is co-funded by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office on Violence Against Women: Engaging Men in Preventing Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program and the DOJ's Defending Childhood Initiative.