Resource: Guiding Principles on School Discipline

This resource (PDF, 27 pages) suggests evidence-based policies, practices, and programs that schools can implement to maintain a safe, inclusive, supportive, and fair learning environment where all students can learn, grow, and become successful. The guide identifies these five guiding principles: 

  1. Foster a sense of belonging through a positive, safe, welcoming, and inclusive school environment. 

  1. Support the social, emotional, physical, and mental health needs of all students through evidence-based strategies. 

  1. Adequately support high-quality teaching and learning by increasing educator capacity. 

  1. Recruit and retain a diverse educator workforce. 

  1. Ensure the fair administration of student discipline policies in ways that treat students with dignity and respect (including through systemwide policy and staff development and monitoring strategies). 

Learn more (PDF, 27 pages).