Youth Engaged 4 Change

Adults can’t do it alone. Youth play an important role in strengthening programs and improving youth outcomes. Youth Engaged 4 Change (YE4C) was created by the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP) in partnership with youth and young adults who make change happen every day. YE4C celebrates “change makers” who are making a difference in the world, promotes meaningful relationships between youth and adults, and connects youth with federal resources and opportunities.

The site offers a number of features:

  • Information about internships, speaking engagements, conferences, and other opportunities for youth
  • Information and resources to help youth become successful and build leadership skills
  • Resources to support youth and empower them to support others
  • Online “communities” for youth
  • Stories about young “change makers” who have triumphed in spite of challenges or are passionate about making a difference in the world

Visit YE4C and learn from the inspiring stories created by a diverse and creative group of young people who share stories about mentoring, overcoming disability, civic engagement, foster care, LGBTQ issues, and more.

Please help us spread the word about YE4C:

  1. Promote YE4C on your organization’s website. Use one of our badges, available for download at
  2. “Like” the YE4C page on Facebook and encourage others to “like” the page.
  3. Announce YE4C and share our posts on your organization’s social media platforms.

We are excited about our progress in engaging young people online and look forward to expanding our youth engagement efforts in the future. As always, your ideas for improving our youth engagement efforts are always welcome.