
  1. Program Development

Program Development

The HHS Intra-agency Task Force on Reproductive Health Care Access focuses on advancing quality, access, and equity for reproductive health, rights, and justice. Activities include coordinating federal interagency policymaking, program development, and outreach efforts to address barriers impacting individuals and communities seeking reproductive health care. Learn more.   ...
This issue brief (PDF, 16 pages) explores strategies to integrate human trafficking prevention into Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) programs. These strategies emphasize the vital role that trauma informed RHY programs can play in the prevention of sex and labor trafficking among runaway and homeless youth. Learn more (PDF, 16 ...
This free, evidence-based, interactive, 14 module curriculum is intended to educate young people about alternatives to running away and to build life skills so that youth can resolve problems without resorting to running away or unsafe behavior. The curriculum is primarily designed for youth ages 10-20, but can be adapted ...
This document (PDF, 7 pages) provides practical human trafficking survivor-informed strategies to support youth serving-organizations in creating opportunities for survivor feedback, leadership, and integration into youth-serving programs to improve services-delivery. Learn more.
This resource explains how to encourage in-kind support for underage drinking prevention activities from partner organizations, including expanding an organization’s capacity in the form of volunteers, materials, and services. Learn more.
This resource provides tips for organizations or individuals to consider when establishing strategic partnerships for Communities Talk activities and other substance use prevention activities. Learn more.
This archived webinar features experts from around the country as they discuss best practices for engaging partners in planning, hosting, and promoting a successful "Communities Talk" event. Learn more.
SAMHSA’s “Communities Talk” series program distributes planning stipends every two years to community-based organizations, institutions of higher education, and statewide or state-based organizations to plan activities that educate youth, families, and communities about the potentially harmful consequences of underage and problem drinking among 12- to 25-year-olds. The 2021 Success Stories ...
If someone's life is in danger, call 911 or your local emergency number. We have shared crisis support services for specific needs.
This report builds from a body of work that describes how self-regulation can be applied as a framework for promoting health and well-being for youth through co-regulation.
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