HUD Father's Day Events 2014: Reconnecting Families and Dads

June 2014 marks the fourth year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is hosting Father’s Day Initiative events, “Reconnecting Families and Dads.” Father’s Day events have a dual purpose: to provide fun activities to support the bonding of fathers and their children, and to connect fathers to economic development resources.

Most events will be held on Saturday, June 14, but participating agencies can be flexible and host events around that date. To host the celebrations, Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) partner with federal agencies, nonprofits, and local businesses, offering on-site information and services such as employment resources, healthcare consultation, and legal counseling. In some cities, participants meet athletes from the NFL and NBA, while others receive free books from organizations such as First Book and Read it LOUD. Celebrations focus on celebrating fatherhood, family, and dads in staying connected with their children with the goal of connecting men to resources that can improve their lives and the lives of their families.

Learn how to participate: