
  1. Dept. of Transportation

Dept. of Transportation

Multiple Federal agencies are working to ensure that when children travel to and from school this year, they do so in a way that is safe and healthy. The Department of Transportation (DOT) operates the Safe Routes to School Program, which helps make walking and biking to school safe and ...
I know now it's not where I'm from; it's where I'm going. It's not what I drive; it's what drives me. It's not what's on me; it's what's in me. And it's not what I think; it's what I know. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: Do not follow where the ...
Teen motor vehicle crashes can be prevented, and statistics indicate that annual teen fatal crashes have decreased...
The National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) began in 1994 and is a coalition of national organizations, business leaders, and federal agencies focused on youth engagement and the promotion of health and safety for youth. Key components that support the structure of NOYS include the following Board of directors Meetings and communication Working groups The ...
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