Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health

In this webinar series (PDF, 2 pages), presenters will share strengths and experiences around uplifting and supporting Native youth. The series is designed for Tribal health educators, teachers, parents, prevention specialists, and other adults who share a passion for improving the lives of Native youth. Webinar topics include:  Sexual Health 101: ...
This supplemental issue of Prevention Science briefly documents the innovation history of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program and its iterations in response to the shifting needs of the field. It also presents findings from the fifteen TPP innovators. The issue highlights emergent priorities of the TPP Program informed by ...
OPA funds grants, cooperative agreements, and prize challenges that support community-based public health innovation. In May 2023, OPA convened 50 innovation teams to build relationships, workshop innovations, and fine tune design skills. Four showcase videos resulted from that event. Watch a compilation video to learn more about how OPA integrates ...
This report (PDF, 35 pages) outlines eight goals and aligned initial action steps that various populations can take to help create the coordinated systems, services, and supports young people need to thrive. The eight goals are:  Eliminate disparities to advance health equity  Increase youth agency and youth engagement  Ensure access to safe and ...
This webpage defines social determinants of health (SDOH) and describes these five domains of SDOH:  Economic stability  Education access and quality  Health care access and quality  Neighborhood and built environment  Social and community context  The webpage shares specific examples of SDOH and provides links to research, infographics, and additional resources. Learn more.  ...
This webpage shares tips for parents on providing healthy snack options that give young people important nutrients and help satisfy hunger between meals. Learn more. 
This webpage shares how parents and caregivers can help their children develop healthy habits to last a lifetime. The webpage explores these questions:  Why is it important for my child to stay at a healthy weight?  How do I know if my child is at a healthy weight?  What if my child is ...
The Move Your Way® campaign provides free tools and resources to promote key messages from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans — including fact sheets, posters, videos, and interactive tools. This webpage provides links to the following resources:  Campaign materials for young people, parents and caregivers, health care providers, and more  A ...
This website describes the social issues that adolescents experience as they develop and provides tips on how parents and caregivers can support healthy social development. Learn more. 
This advisory (PDF, 82 pages) emphasizes the important role that social connection plays in individual, community, and societal health. It offers recommendations for increasing and strengthening social connection through a whole-of-society approach. The advisory presents a framework for a national strategy to improve social connection with specific recommendations for the ...
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