
Students in the Fast for Non Violence Fast for 31 days in a fast relay.  Each participant fasts for 24 hours and then passes the fast on to the next student.  During that student's fast, a recorded message about non-violence is played over the school intercom, and a multimedia video ...
Bullying prevention is one of five hot topics on the minds of summer camp staff. To help address this issue, the American Camp Association, in collaboration with Dr. Joel Haber, is pleased to present several tools to aid in bullying prevention.
This resource is based on research on pre-teens' coping challenges during the critical transition period from elementary to middle school. A national group of educators, emotional health and teacher education experts helped to create an open-access, "virtual classroom" where 9-12 yr. olds learn about brain and behavior changes during early ...
ACT for Youth helps communities create the condiditons for young people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. At the forefront of the initiative are 12 NY state communities that work to put the principles of positive youth development into practice.
Young people receive more helpful advice and information than ever before. Yet we still have way too many who start and continue to behave in unhealthy, self-defeating ways.  Generating a dysfunctional amount of emotion in response to their life events gives purpose to this behavior, rise to \mistaken\ goals, and ...
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