
  1. Child Welfare

Child Welfare

This toolkit (PDF, 15 pages) contains free resources that will help amplify this year's National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) theme, "Doing Things Differently: Moving from the Challenge to the Change.” The toolkit contains sample social media posts, graphics, gifs, and a press release to raise awareness about child abuse ...
This brief (PDF, 14 pages) describes the tools and processes that Youth At-Risk of Homelessness phase 2 (YARH-2) grantees implemented to identify and screen youth and young adults who might be eligible to participate in their comprehensive service models. The brief is created for individuals designing and implementing programs to ...
This report (PDF, 64 pages) summarizes findings from a series of focus groups conducted with youth and young adults, as well as interviews with relevant stakeholders, about their personal experiences with authentic engagement and the perceived barriers to implementing authentic engagement. The report includes a list of the most common ...
This podcast features conversations between those with lived experience in child welfare and agency leaders about how they shared knowledge and power to build trusting relationships. These podcasts highlight the successes and challenges of sharing power in child welfare and how deeper engagement of people with lived experience can improve ...
This video explores the Capacity Building Center for States’ commitment to promoting racial equity, intersectionality, and reducing disparities for children, youth, and families through shared vocabulary. The resources introduced in the video help build understanding, encourage consistency, and support clear communication. This video can be used to help child welfare ...
This webpage provides resources to help reconnect adopted children with their cultural roots in meaningful ways. Learn more. recently launched a new Child Exploitation webpage to better support schools and districts in creating safe, supportive learning environments. The new page includes child exploitation information, resources, and guidance from government agencies and non-profit organizations. The page also outlines ways K-12 school communities can help identify, prevent, and respond ...
This website provides sexual and reproductive health-related resources for youth-supporting professionals working with young people, including young people experiencing the child welfare and/or justice systems, homelessness, and/or disconnection from school and work (i.e., opportunity youth). Learn more.  ...
This webpage provides information and resources about co-regulation for various age ranges. The page contains a video about co-regulation for adults who work, coach, and care for youth. Additional resources descriptions of OPRE co-regulation research and evaluation projects are also provided. Learn more.  ...
The National SOGIE Center provides a centralized site for accessing resources on providing culturally responsive care to children, youth, and young adults with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) and their families across systems, including child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health (including school mental health), substance use ...
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