
  1. Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence

OVC has announced the 2022 National Crime Victims’ Service Awards recipients. 14 individuals and organizations were honored this year for their extraordinary work in supporting victims of crime. The National Crime Victims’ Service Awards recipients were selected from nominations in a variety of categories for their vision, action, and leadership ...
OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community. Youth violence ...
This data snapshot (PDF, 1 page) offers a detailed look at a range of youth behaviors reported by high school students, including exposure to dating violence. Learn more (PDF, 1 page). 
These tools can be used to connect youth to culture as a protective factor, while covering vital information about sexual health, mental health, personal development and rule-setting, identity, dating and relationships, drug and alcohol use, suicide prevention, internet safety, and bullying. Learn more.  ...
The Let’s Talk podcast elevates voices of young people as they share their stories and highlights the complexities and intersections that are witnessed by the 4.2 million young people experiencing homelessness across the United States each year. The podcast launched in November, National Runaway Prevention Month. Learn more. ...
This website explores the intersections of human trafficking and the populations that FYSB serves, including children, youth, individuals, and families nationwide who have been impacted by extreme trauma and adverse experiences. Updates on the latest news related to human trafficking and links to resources are provided. Learn more. ...
The Grants to Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Sex Trafficking Against Children and Youth (CY) Program solicitation is one of two solicitations issued under the Consolidated Youth and Engaging Men (CYEM) Program (CFDA# 16.888) appropriation, which is authorized by annual federal appropriations acts. ...
The Grants to Engage Men and Boys as Allies in the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls (EM) Program solicitation is one of two solicitations issued under the Consolidated Youth and Engaging Men (CYEM) Program (CFDA# 16.888), which is authorized by annual federal appropriations acts. The other program solicitation ...
This data snapshot (PDF, 1 page) presents data on the prevalence of physical and sexual dating violence reported by high school students in the United States in 2017, with comparisons for 2013 and 2015. Learn more.
This literature review focuses on research that addresses dating violence that occurs between adolescents in middle and high school (primarily youth ages 12 to 18). Learn more.
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