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Mental Health

The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is announcing funds for the Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) – Regions 9 and 10. TVAP’s goal is to directly fund time-limited comprehensive case management services on a per capita basis to foreign national adult ...
The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is announcing funds for the Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) – Regions 5, 6, 7, and 8. TVAP’s goal is to directly fund time-limited comprehensive case management services on a per capita basis to foreign ...
If someone's life is in danger, call 911 or your local emergency number. We have shared crisis support services for specific needs.
This webpage shares how anniversaries of disasters and other trigger events may renew symptoms of emotional distress in survivors and provides tips to help cope with renewed stress as an anniversary approaches or when trigger events suddenly occur.
This report builds from a body of work that describes how self-regulation can be applied as a framework for promoting health and well-being for youth through co-regulation.
This series contains step-by-step instructions to implement six evidence-informed and theory-based co-regulation strategies.
This tip sheet addresses one of the main reasons that participants disengage from apprenticeship programs: the behavioral effects of past or present trauma.
This guide shares five ways to talk more effectively about adolescent development in the era of COVID-19.
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) plans to solicit applications for Secondary Analyses of Head Start and Early Head Start Data grants. These grants aim to support researchers conducting secondary analyses of data to address key questions of relevance to Head Start ...
The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is announcing funds for the Empowering All Survivors of Trafficking to Access Healthcare - Foreign Nationals (EAST-FN) Demonstration Program. The EAST-FN Demonstration Program goal is to build capacity for healthcare facilities to engage foreign national ...
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